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Conferencia "Bridging our knowledge of how problem solving occurs and how to enhance it in mathematics classrooms"

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Les invitamos al seminario conjunto del Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación (CIAE) y el Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM) de la Universidad de Chile. En este seminario, expondrá en inglés:

Boris Koichu,  Weizmann Institute of Science – Israel: " Bridging our knowledge of how problem solving occurs and how to enhance it in mathematics classrooms"

The talk is about an exploratory model of mathematical problem solving in instructional context. The model is confluence in nature and aims at bridging the knowledge of how problem solving occurs and the knowledge of how to enhance problem solving.  The model relies on the premise that a key solution idea to a problem can be constructed as a shift of attention induced by some of the following resources: individual knowledge, interactions with peers and interactions with a source of knowledge about solutions to the problem. The use of the resources is mediated by certain choices available to the solver. The solver choices are in turn stipulated by the choices made by the teacher while engineering the instructional situation in which problem solving occurs. Furthermore, the teacher choices are stipulated by extents of his or her commitment to the perceived needs of the main stakeholders involved in the situation. The model can be used as a pedagogical tool for informing design of problem-based learning environments and as a research tool for documenting, analyzing and explaining different phenomena related to problem solving. In the talk, theoretical argument will gradually emerge from consideration of selected mathematical problems and results of several empirical studies.

Boris Koichu obtained his PhD in mathematics education from Technion, Haifa – Israel in 2004. He was a postdoctoral fellow from University of California – San Diego and he is currently associate professor at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.  His research agenda centers on mathematical problem solving and  mathematical proof. Dr. Koichu has extensively published his work in the most important journals in the field. Currently, Dr. Koichu is collaborating with Dr. Patricio Felmer in research related to scaling up mathematical problem solving in school.

Esta sesión se desarrollará el jueves 6 de de septiembre, entre las 16:30 y 18 horas, en la sala de seminarios ubicada en el segundo piso de la Casa Amanda Labarca.


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