Conference: The perception of musical harmony: individual differences and neural mechanisms
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When two or more notes are played simultaneously, the perceptual effect can be consonant (pleasant, resolved) or dissonant (unpleasant, unresolved). This is the basis for harmony, one of the central components of Western music. Oliver Bones and I have used an electrophysiological measure called the "frequency-following response" (FFR) to explore the neural mechanisms underlying this perception. In the talk I will describe our findings, including the possible neural basis for individual differences in harmony perception, and the effects of age and musical experience.

Chris Plack

is Ellis Llwyd Jones Professor of Audiology at the University of Manchester and Professor of Auditory Neuroscience at Lancaster University. For further information about Chris Plack's work, including publications and projects, visit here

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  • Fecha:
    16 de diciembre de 2015 de 17:00 a 18:30 hrs.
  • Costo: gratuito previa inscripción.

    La presentación se realizará en inglés, sin traducción.
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