Abstract: This presentation will explore briefly the contested place of grammar in the curriculum, and will offer a theorised rationale for the benefit of including grammar within the teaching of mother tongue language. We adopt an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on Halliday\'s social semiotic view of how language makes meaning, and on cognitive perspectives which consider the place of metalinguistic thinking in the process of writing. We are less interested in writers\' capacity to identify grammatical structures than in their capacity to make linguistic choices: in other words, it is more important to know how a passive construction alters the emphasis in information conveyed than it is to know that it is a passive construction. Using findings from a series of studies conducted at the University of Exeter in the Centre for Research in Writing, the presentation will illustrate how the teaching of writing can make meaningful connections for developing writers between language choices and meaning-making, and support them become more autonomous, independent writers.
Debra Myhill es Decana de la Escuela de Educación de Posgrado de la Universidad de Exeter, Reino Unido. Su investigación se centra en la enseñanza del lenguaje y la literacidad. Es Directora del Centro de Investigación en Escritura, enfocado en vincular la enseñanza, la formación de profesores y la investigación, de manera de que las experiencias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes les permitan convertirse en ciudadanos elocuentes y seguros, capaces de usar el lenguaje y la literatura para su propio disfrute y logros personales.
Fecha: Jueves 15 de diciembre de 2016, de 17:00 a 18:30 hrs.
Lugar: Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, Universidad de Chile. Calle Periodista José Carrasco Tapia 75, Santiago
Costo: Gratuito, previa inscripción.
Cupos limitados.
La presentación se realizará en inglés sin traducción
Consultas o dudas: seminarios@ciae.uchile.cl