Paseos y Divagaciones en STEAM (STEM con A de Arte): Sube el entusiasmo por integrar los Media y las Humanidades en la enseñanza de STEM
Jeff Ritter, Decano de Humanidades, La Roche College, Pennsylvania, EEUU.
STEAM emphasis, teaching and teachers and media and humanities in the technological age present opportunities never before imagined. LIberal arts skills, like flexibility, communication, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving are in high demand, while we are also seeking to create students with a high interest and motivation in the sciences. New combinations of teaching skills, technology, and humanistic perspective may be able to bring forth a new generation of STEAM students prepared to deal with the complexity of the world and strive to solve problems.
Fecha: viernes 10 de marzo de 2017, de 16:00 a 17:00 hrs.
Lugar: Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, Universidad de Chile. Calle Periodista José Carrasco Tapia 75, Santiago
Costo: Gratuito, previa inscripción.
Cupos limitados.
Conferencia en inglés, sin traducción
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