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ICLTC 2022: 14th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference

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ICLTC 2022: 14th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference

The 14th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference will highlight some of the latest research trends in cognitive psychology and education worldwide. During December 5–7 (2022) December in  Santiago (Chile), this face-to-face conference will include keynotes, papers, and posters for audiences of educational academics, researchers, and postgraduate students. The theme of this year is "Connecting Research and Practice" focusing on novel ways that cognitive load theory can inspire researchers and teachers working with students in classrooms and less formal learning environments. 

Registration: https://www.icltc2022.com/registration/ 



Maria Opfermann

University of Wuppertal, Germany

Maria Opfermann is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Wuppertal. Her activities are focused on multimedia learning, self-regulation and, surprisingly, cognitive load. She has contributed to research on cognitive load measurement (especially the question, when cognitive load should be assessed), generative learning activities such as drawing and the role of decorative pictures for learning. As part of the elementary school department, she is now especially interested in ways to optimize learning and cognitive load for very young learners.

Juan Cristóbal Castro-Alonso
Universidad de Chile, Chile

Juan C. Castro-Alonso (Cris Castro) is Associate Researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Education, Universidad de Chile. He is a Biochemist, Masters in Communication and Education, and PhD in Education. His interests are visuospatial processing and spatial ability, cognitive load theory, STEM and biology education, gender differences, and multimedia learning. He is leading an investigation on how cognitive load and learners’ characteristics affect performance on visuospatial processing. 


For more information contact us at  icltc2022@gmail.com  


CIAE- Facultad de Educación Universidad Católica, Fundación Arrebol

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