Research in Education has acknowledged the special pedagogic nature of gesture that is used as a modality in classrooms. Research on nonverbal communication emphasizes not only the importance of gestures as a visual counterpart to spoken words but also the communicative nature of body language in teaching educational concepts (Flevares & Perry, 2001; Arzarello, Paola, Robutti & Sabena, 2009). This seminar offers a different perspective on the type of classroom communication that takes place beyond words. Various forms of visible representations, such as gestures, proxemics, and pointing will be explored, along with their relation to pedagogical practices and disciplinary remarks. Thus the seminar will provide a valuable insight into the world of body language to equip any teacher in the classroom environment.
Dr Danyal Farsani obtained a PhD in Education from the University of Birmingham. Currently he is a post-doctoral researcher at CMM working with Prof Salomé Martínez. He is interested in examining classroom discourse focusing on the verbal, vocal, and visual elements of communication that are employed to convey mathematical meaning. He is particularly interested in nonverbal communication, and runs workshops on body language with specific reference to behavior management and pedagogical practices across the curriculum. His current research explores teachers’ and learners’ meaning-making practices conveyed by gestures that may not be expressed in words.
Esta sesión se desarrollará el jueves 7 de mayo, entre las 17:00 y 18:00 horas, en la sala de seminarios ubicada en el segundo piso de la Casa Amanda Labarca del Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación.