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The impact of "activating problem-solving in the classroom" (ARPA), program on students' problem-solving skills, behavior, and attitude toward mathematics, an exploratory investigation in O'Higgins Region, Chile

Periodo: 2016 - 2019
Financiamiento: ANID, Fondecyt No 3170673
Código: 3170673


This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the ARPA program on students' problem-solving skills and attitudes in mathematics. The findings are twofold: first, self-reported data revealed no significant changes in students' attitudinal beliefs towards problem-solving. To explain these results, we need to consider the fact that in both groups students have a different understanding of what a problem is and what problem-solving means in both groups. To shed light on this fact, we asked students to explain their like/dislike feelings toward problem-solving. The results of the pre-test show students in both groups have a static view of mathematics and problem-solving, however, the experimental group shows a shift from a static to a more dynamic view of problem-solving by the program's end. Second, the study observed that students in the experimental group demonstrated better performance in solving non-routine problems compared to the control group, utilizing diverse strategies and showing greater persistence and planning. In the end, the study suggests that while collaborative problem-solving practices can enhance problem-solving skills, students' attitudes toward mathematics significantly influence their performance and approach, underscoring the importance of addressing attitudinal factors in educational strategies.
