CMM and CIAE calls for applicants in the area of Mathematics Education, especially in the areas of Teaching and Learning of School Mathematics and of Quantitative Methods in Education Research, but no limited to that. Monthly salary will be $1.800.000 (Chilean Pesos) before taxes, about US$ 3.000. As a reference, the rent of a furnished apartment near CMM is about US$800 per month. Flight Ticket (round-trip) will be covered.
Candidates should exhibit evidence of strong research potential and to have received a Ph.D. degree in mathematics education or related fields by the beginning of the appointment, and not before 2011. They are expected to dedicate fully to research in an active research-oriented environment, with no teaching duties and funding for participating in conferences or workshops abroad during the stay. Spanish language is not required for application, but it is expected that the appointed postdoc becomes proficient in Spanish during the first year. Positions are for one year, renewable for up to three years. Appointments do not have a fixed starting date but should preferably start by September 2016. Possibility to apply for national grants in case of a longer stay is also open.
Candidates should submit curriculum vitae, research statement and arrange at least three recommendation letters sent no later than March 15, 2016, by email with subject: Postdoc Math Education to Maria Ines Rivera mrivera@dim.uchile.cl.
CMM is an associate research unit to CNRS-France.